Wednesday, January 26, 2011

true meaning of love~

What is love, actually..??
Some people said that it's universal, and pure..
Some said that it's temporary, and will be gone someday..
Some said that when you do physical gestures towards people that you love,
Those gestures means something,
and said that you love that person truly, and deeply..

Actually, what is it?? The true meaning of this feeling??
For me, this is my sincere opinion about love~

1) You give the love to others, sincerely..don't expect them to return it with materials or others.. just give it with full sincerity~

2) Love Allah, Rasul and yourself first before love someone else^^. Love your own religion will forbid you from doing sins.. Insya Allah~

3) Don't expect them to change. Accept them as who they are.

4) Love is not only for family @ lovers, but also for colleagues, neighbours, friends, and even nature~ :-D

5)Most important- Love Yourself!- Just the way you are..^_^